Get Ready for Self-Care Day


As we begin the shift from summer to back-to-school mode, life can feel challenging and chaotic. It can be hard to put yourself first when you’re being pulled in so many different directions, making now the perfect time to focus on self-care. Fortunately, there’s a holiday for just that: July 24th is International Self-Care Day! Take this opportunity to focus on your own needs and recharge your batteries.

In today’s blog post, I want to share five ways to celebrate International Self-Care Day.

1. Reach out to a friend.

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day busyness of life, especially in the summertime.  Even so, we’re meant to live in community with one another. Aim to connect with just one friend this week, whether you schedule a morning coffee date or spontaneously call someone who lives far away. Be intentional about your relationships, and you’ll reap the rewards too.

2. Give back.

Although self-care is focused on your own wellbeing, giving back to others is a great way to boost your mood and improve your sense of self. Even a small act of kindness — like writing a note of thanks to a co-worker or baking banana bread for your neighbor — can lead to a much-needed dose of endorphins.

3. Maintain your boundaries.

Repeat after me: It’s okay to say no. Instead of overcommitting yourself and feeling overwhelmed at your daunting to-do list, think about what brings you joy. As I touched on above, giving back can be a good thing, but if you stretch yourself too thin, you’ll have nothing left to give — to yourself or others.

This tip is especially important as you gear up for a new school year. Map out if and how you want to be involved and only say yes to what truly serves you.

4. Incorporate meditation into your schedule.

How often do you just sit in silence? It can be hard to get away from all the noise! Whether it’s a car radio, your children playing, or your colleagues reaching out for help, much of your day is filled with sounds. A moment of silence may be just the thing to recenter yourself.

If you feel intimidated by meditation, know that you’re not alone! Start with just a few minutes each day. If needed, there are various apps to guide you and help you make the most of your time.

5. Set goals for yourself.

Goal-setting as a part of self-care? Absolutely! If you want to be the best version of yourself, you can’t just snap your fingers and make it happen. It takes intentional, purposeful steps to build healthy self-care habits. Start by adding one or two things to your daily routine that make you happy. Maybe it’s starting your day with a 20-minute walk, reading for 15 minutes after dinner, or writing in a gratitude journal before bed. These little efforts add up to make a big difference.

If these five tips feel impossible to follow, remember: You can’t care for others if you’re not caring for yourself first. 

Celebrate International Self-Care Day on July 24th, and you’ll soon see the ripple effect it has on your loved ones!

Discover the possibility of living a meaningful life. Discover the possibility of recovery. Reach out to Dr. Benaaz Russell, PsyD, CEDS-S, today to schedule an appointment!

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