Your Morning Self-Care Routine

morning self-care routine

Mornings can be hard. Depending on the day ahead, you may hit the snooze button three or four times before you drag yourself out from under the covers. And if you tossed and turned all night, it’s even more challenging to get up and get out the door on time. However, with the right game plan, you can become a morning person — yes, you

In today’s blog post, let’s look at some ways to start your day on an inspired note with a morning self-care routine.

Not only will this approach help you be excited to get out of bed, but it also ensures that you make time in the day to take care of yourself. Oftentimes, as your responsibilities pile up and your to-do list triples in size, your self-care routine gets pushed to the bottom, eventually falling off your day’s schedule completely. 

It’s important to give yourself something to look forward to each morning. If your mornings are often marked by exhaustion and chaos, you’re not alone. For many of us, no matter how much we try to prepare the night before, our mornings are challenging. 

It may sound crazy, but to help you get your mornings on track, I’m going to ask you to add something to your routine. Bear with me here! I want you to make an effort to focus on your mind, your body, and your soul at the beginning of each day. Start with five minutes in each area and try to build to twenty minutes for a full hour of self-care each morning. Yes, you may have to set your alarm an hour earlier — but it’s easier than you think when you’re excited about something! 

If an hour feels too overwhelming, aim for twenty minutes on one focus area and alternate throughout the week. You can also break it up into different time slots. However, for the full benefit of this routine, I suggest trying to fit it all in before your lunch break. You can mix up the order depending on the day or stick with one routine if it feels right. 

To get started with your morning self-care routine, grab a timer and the list of ideas below.


  • Practice mindfulness or guided meditation.

  • Read a fiction book for pleasure.

  • Journal. You can write about the day ahead, focus on gratitude, or jot down your big picture goals and your plans to achieve them. 

  • Learn something new! Download an app to teach you French or Spanish. Or grab a crochet hook and some yarn and start crocheting. 

  • Do a puzzle.


  • Fill up a to-go mug with coffee and take a walk around your neighborhood.

  • Do an online yoga or Pilates class.

  • Put on your favorite song and have a dance party!

  • If you’re new to exercise, start with some gentle stretching.


  • Listen to a favorite podcast.

  • Play an instrument.

  • Read a non-fiction or self-help book. 

  • Watch a TED talk! This website is a treasure trove of past speakers on every topic imaginable.

  • Bake or cook something just for fun.

  • Start a DIY project that you’ve been putting off. You’ll be surprised with how much progress you make by dedicating yourself to it each day!

With this morning self-care routine, I hope you feel more productive and less stressed as you go into your day with a more positive outlook. 

You may find that a single activity takes care of two or three areas, which is great! For instance, a half-hour of yoga may be all you need to take care of your mind, body, and soul. Listen to your intuition (something that a mindfulness practice will make easier!) and adjust your schedule as needed based on your day, week, or phase of life.

Discover the possibility of living a meaningful life. Discover the possibility of recovery. Reach out to Dr. Benaaz Russell, PsyD, CEDS-S, today to schedule an appointment!

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