The Importance of Self-Care During the Holidays

The holidays are here! As we enjoy the festivities, it’s important to make time for yourself and to include moments of self-care throughout the season.

Combat the Stress of the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be stressful for many reasons: travel plans, family get-togethers, loneliness, and financial woes, just to name a few. Here are five ways to manage the stress that end-of-year celebrations often bring. 

Five Self-Care Tips

  1. Make time for self-care: In a season that’s focused on giving, it’s sometimes hard to remember to give yourself the care you need. Read a book (maybe a favorite from past holidays!); take a bubble bath; diffuse relaxing essential oils like lavender or bergamot; bake a new recipe; call a long-distance friend, or meditate using an app. You can also recenter yourself with a series of relaxing yoga poses. Flow through cat and cow pose, extended triangle pose, tree pose, and child’s pose, holding each position for three deep breaths.

  2. Get enough sleep: You may be staying up past your bedtime for holiday gatherings or late-night phone calls with far-away family, but don’t let it cut into your sleep. Aim for seven to eight hours each night. 

  3. Joyful movement: Whether you’re feeling stressed, depressed, or even tired, a mindful walk or yoga practice may be just what you need. Go through a series of strength training moves or a yoga flow — whatever makes you happy! If you’re low on energy, opt for a 30-minute walk around your neighborhood. You’ll soon reap the benefits of moving your body and getting some fresh air. If it’s hard to fit movement or self-care into your already-packed schedule, add it to the calendar! You wouldn’t skip out on a coffee date with a close friend, would you? Show up for yourself too. 

  4. Stay hydrated: To ensure that you’re drinking enough water each day, aim for half your body weight in ounces. Try to keep a glass of water with you as a simple reminder. If you’re at a holiday party, you can also use water to slow down your alcohol intake: Finish one glass of water after each beer, glass of wine, or cocktail.

  5. Cut yourself some slack: Do your best to listen to your body and find joyful movement in each day. Allow yourself to fully appreciate the holiday season - if you’ve been waiting for your grandmother’s apple pie since last Christmas, have a slice!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Now, go enjoy it.

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